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Rucker Agee papers

Identifier: MSS-0013


Dates: 1861 - 1977

Lamar Aldridge papers

Identifier: MSS-0059

Letters home written while Aldridge was in training in Georgia and then serving in France during World War I.

Dates: 1917-1919

Alston Fitts Letters and Photograph

Identifier: MSS-0520

Letters from this Tuscaloosa, Alabama, physician to his wife and children before and after he was shipped to France during World War I, as well as a photograph of Fitts.

Dates: 1917 - 1919

Andrew Dawson papers

Identifier: MSS-1626

Contains correspondence and other material relating to this Tuscaloosa, Alabama, native's service in Europe during World War I.

Dates: 1918 - 1919

Blue Star Salute Foundation Materials

Identifier: MSS-4051

United States Blue Star Service Flag (roughly 8.5" x 14"), membership brochures, and announcements of upcoming events honoring U. S. veterans in the Jefferson and Shelby Counties, Alabama.

Dates: 2014

Ottokar T. Cadek papers

Identifier: MSS-0253

Correspondence, diaries, genealogies, and various other documents relating to the life of this violinist, conductor, and teacher.

Dates: unknown

Durst Family papers

Identifier: MSS-0461

Letters, newspapers, and miscellaneous documents from the Durst family. There is also a World War One era panoramic photograph and United Stated Service, or Blue Star Mother's flag.

Dates: 1708-1977; Majority of material found within 1861 - 1868

E. M. Shackelford Letter

Identifier: MSS-3880

The collection contains one solicitation letter from Shackelford, president of the State Normal School in Troy, Alabama, recruiting teachers who have not attended college and received "special training" to attend the school as a means of securing their teaching positions in the future.

Dates: 1919-02

Earl Elmer Stewart Letters

Identifier: MSS-1989

Letters written by Private Earl Elmer Stewart of the Headquarter Company, 70th Artillery, Coast Artillery Command from April 5, 1918 to March 4, 1919 to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elmer Stewart of English, Crawford County, Indiana.

Dates: 1918 - 1919

Janie May Eppes papers

Identifier: MSS-0489

Teaching materials and clippings gathered by a Birmingham, Alabama, school teacher for use in her classroom, and in the course of her own education

Dates: 1907-1957

Robert Court Fletcher World War I Correspondence and Dog Tags

Identifier: MSS-4151

Sixteen letters and postcards from this World War I soldier to his sister in Birmingham, Alabama.

Dates: 1918-1919

Four Minute Men, Women's Division, Birmingham, Alabama, scrapbook

Identifier: MSS-0539

Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings and other materials about this organization, whose members gave speeches in support of World War I.

Dates: 1918 - 1919

Louis Giesler letter

Identifier: MSS-2148

Letter to brother Albert, from Army sergeant serving during World War I and training in Camp Sherman, Ohio, discussing camp life, training, rifles, and a fire that killed horses and mules. He mentions the possibility of "going over" soon.

Dates: 1918 August 18

Charles S. Goodrich Diary and World War I Memorabilia

Identifier: MSS-4097

Diary, banquet programs and menus, uniform insignia, and miscellaneous medals of a World War I veteran of the 167th Infantry, part of the Rainbow Division.

Dates: 1918-1951

H. C. Powell Papers

Identifier: MSS-3822

The H. C. Powell Papers contain materials related to Powell’s service during World War I and his service on the Board of Trustees of the Louisville Free Public Library.

Dates: 1917 - 1978

Mrs. Oscar Hall scrapbook

Identifier: MSS-0611

Scrapbook created by Birmingham, Alabama, resident containing clippings and other items related to World War I, particularly Birmingham soldiers and sailors.

Dates: 1918-1919

Wade Hall Collection of Stereocards

Identifier: 2014-004

Collection consists of 1708 stereocards depicting scenes from all over the world.

Dates: 1874 - 1950

Herbert J. Taylor Jr. Letters

Identifier: MSS-2652

Correspondence between Major Herbert J. Taylor, Jr. (Battery 13, 136th Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Forces) and his wife, Roberta Dorsey Taylor of Columbus, Ohio, from 1917 to 1920.

Dates: 1917-1920

Thomas Wade Herren Papers

Identifier: MSS-4154

Papers, correspondence, and photographs documenting the life and military career of Lieutenant General Thomas W. Herren of Dadeville, Alabama

Dates: 1942-1985

Jim Hollingsworth Papers

Identifier: MSS-4195

Papers concerning WWI military disability claims

Dates: 1918-1956

Hughes family papers

Identifier: MSS-3748

Letters written by brothers Arley and Eli Hughes while serving in the Army during World War I and late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century artifacts of this large, rural Alabama family.

Dates: 1885-1919

Huston Family papers

Identifier: MSS-0724

This collection contains correspondence, photographs, and other materials created by the Huston family in Selma, Dallas County, Alabama, and extended family in Mobile, Alabama. Most materials center around George Waring Huston, who was killed in World War One.

Dates: 1831-1937

J. Alfred Swatkins Sketchbooks

Identifier: MSS-3911

Four bound sketchbooks filled with drawings by Swatkins, a World War I era permit book, issued in England to John Alfred Swatkins, and a letter from noted British author Marie Corelli in Stratford-on-Avon, to Swatkins, complimenting his work and inquiring if it was ever used in the London press or by publishers.

Dates: 1912-1947

Joseph Wilbourn Young letters

Identifier: MSS-1596

A collection of letters home from Europe, during and immediately after World War I.

Dates: 1918 - 1919

Lillian Cunningham and Daphne Cunningham Papers

Identifier: MSS-2691

A collection of love letters and friendly correspondence from Alabama and Mississippi, addressed to Lillian Cunningham of Tuscaloosa, with the bulk of the contents originating in the latter part of the 1910s. There is also a small series of older sister Daphne Cunningham's correspondence.

Dates: 1907 - 1967; Majority of material found within 1915 - 1920

Paoli Ashe Smith papers

Identifier: MSS-1294

This collection consists mainly of personal correspondence from this jorunalist and Greensboro, Alabama, native to his mother during World War I, letters received from several of his cousins, financial and legal papers, and photographs. It also contains materials relating to other members of his family.

Dates: 1882-1970

Roland Lee Adams papers

Identifier: MSS-0011

This collection includes documents related to the army service of this York, Alabama, native; an essay; a biographical sketch; and three miscellaneous letters.

Dates: 1891- circa 1919

Roy C. Corbell papers

Identifier: MSS-0358

Miscellaneous financial documents and copy of General Order No. 38-A, American Expeditionary Forces, February 28, 1919 (letter from General John J. Pershing to soldiers at the end of World War I).

Dates: 1919-1952

Roy C. Corbell Photograph

Identifier: 2009-201

The collection consists of one photograph of R.C. Corbell of Bidford, Alabama, in World War I soldiers' uniform.

Dates: 1919

Schaudies-Banks-Ragland Photographs

Identifier: 2014-021
Scope and Contents

Thirty seven framed photographs of African Americans in military uniforms, Border War, WWI, and WWII including portraits of Duncan Fields and Rubin Fields; portraits of women and families; large plaque with two photos of military men (Willie L. E. Means and James E. Means, date of their enlistment in the army).

Dates: 1898 - 1959

Shelby Iron Company Records

Identifier: MSS-1261
Abstract Contains records of the Shelby Iron Company from 1862 to 1930, including correspondence, directors' minutes, stockholder records, manufacturing records (charcoal reports, stable reports, mining, time books, payrolls by department), commissary records, grist mill toll books, furnace record books, and many other records. It also includes records of a subsidiary, Shelby Manufacturing and Improvement Company, 1890-1923. The virtually complete set of manufacturing records also parallels the...
Dates: 1862-1930

Roy and Sara Swindell Letters

Identifier: MSS-2926

Letters from Roy Swindell and Sara Swindell to their family, who lived in Chattanooga, and later Nashville, Tennessee. The letters discuss missing home, traveling for work, and Bible verses. One letter is from Sara to their son James, an officer in the armed services during World War II.

Dates: 1918-1935

James T. Tate Journal, Photograph, and Service Ribbons

Identifier: MSS-4121

Journal, photograph, and service ribbons of a young sailor aboard the USS Alabama in the years preceding the United States' entry into World War I.

Dates: after 1918

Victor Hugo Friedman papers

Identifier: MSS-0545

Personal and official correspondence, photographs of a camp in the Alps, lieutenant's commission, Croce al Merito di Guerra, and various items issued by the military to this Tuscaloosa, Alabama, native.

Dates: 1918

Wade Hall Collection of World War I Materials

Identifier: MSS-4251

Letters and documents to and from American World War I soldiers and their families

Dates: 1908-1978

Wade Hall Photographs, Small Collection

 Collection — Box: 2009001.006
Identifier: 2009-032

This collection of 208 black and white photographs depicting unidentified people playing in a snow, on the beach, in the garden, and World War I soldiers.

Dates: 1910 - 1920

Wade Hall World War I photographs

Identifier: 2008-034

This collection consists of 534 photographs from World War I, a drawing, and a short narrative.

Dates: 1914 - 1918

Walter Bryan Jones photographs

Identifier: 2011-004

Includes personal and family photographs, as well as photographs taken in association with Jones' professional endeavors as state geologist of Alabama and during his military service in World War I and World War II.

Dates: 1915 - 1950; 1890 - 1973

Annie Early Wheeler scrapbook

Identifier: MSS-2890

Extensive scrapbook concerning the life and home of Annie Wheeler, daughter of "Fighting" Joe Wheeler.

Dates: 1950

William Crawford Gorgas Papers

Identifier: MSS-0581

Correspondence, diaries, writings, and other material of this Alabama native who eradicated yellow fever from the Panama Canal Zone and served as Surgeon General of the U.S. Army

Dates: 1869-1920

William March Papers

Identifier: MSS-0266

Correspondence, literary papers, clippings, criticism, photos, and memorabilia of this author.

Dates: 1897 - 1980

Willie T. White papers

Identifier: MSS-1548

Contains correspondence, photographs, financial records, and other materials, the majority of which are related to Willie T. White, who resided in Rockford, Birmingham, and Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Dates: 1860-1970

World War I Military Unit Photographs

Identifier: MSS-4087

Photographs of military units in camps in the United States

Dates: 1917-1918

World War I photographs

Identifier: MSS-2468

Three photographs of World War I era soldiers

Dates: circa 1917-1919

World War I Posters

Identifier: MSS-4200

A variety of American World War I propaganda posters

Dates: circa 1917 - 1918

Filtered By

  • Subject: World War, 1914-1918 X

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Additional filters:

World War, 1914-1918 43
World War I 25
War and Military 17
Photographs 13
Daily Life and Family 12
∨ more
Correspondence 10
Alabama 8
World War, 1939-1945 6
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 5
Diaries 4
Scrapbooks 4
Soldiers -- Alabama -- Correspondence 4
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 4
Women 4
African Americans 3
Artifacts 3
Birmingham (Ala.) 3
France 3
Military records 3
Programs (documents) 3
Soldiers 3
World War, 1914-1918 -- Personal narratives, American 3
American Red Cross 2
Armed Forces 2
Associations, institutions, etc. 2
Biography 2
Business and Labor 2
Cemeteries 2
Community and Place 2
Dogs 2
Essays 2
Genealogy 2
Government, Law and Politics 2
Love and Friendship 2
Manuscripts for publication 2
Memorabilia 2
Notes 2
Personal correspondence 2
Portraits 2
Science and Nature 2
Soldiers -- Correspondence 2
Songs (document genre) 2
Telegrams 2
University of Alabama 2
University of Alabama -- Alumni and alumnae. 2
Account books 1
African American soldiers 1
African Americans -- Alabama 1
Alabama Academy of Honor Inductees 1
Archaeology 1
Architecture 1
Architecture and Landscape 1
Arts -- Alabama 1
Australia 1
Authors, American -- Alabama 1
Awards 1
Booklets 1
Broadsides -- Vicksburg (Miss.) 1
Busts (figures) 1
Camp Sherman (Ohio) 1
Camp Zachary Taylor (Ky.) 1
Canal Zone 1
Canals 1
Children 1
Church buildings 1
Civil War 1
Comic books, strips, etc. -- United States -- 20th Century 1
Community organization -- United States 1
Confederate States of America -- History 1
Contracts 1
Cotton 1
Cuba 1
Dolls 1
Education 1
Education -- Alabama 1
Elementary school teaching 1
England 1
Estate administration records 1
Family histories 1
Farmers 1
Financial records 1
Flags 1
Fort Bragg (N.C.) 1
Fort McClellan (Ala.) 1
Freemasons 1
Industries -- Alabama -- History 1
Industries -- Alabama -- Shelby County -- History 1
Insurance 1
Iron industry and trade 1
Korean War, 1950-1953 1
Legal documents 1
Literature and Authors 1
Man-woman relationships 1
Maps 1
Mardi Gras 1
Markets 1
Medals 1
Medicine 1
Mexico 1
Military discharge 1
+ ∧ less
Hall, Wade 6
Corbell, Roy C. 2
Adams, Roland Lee 1
Agee, Rucker 1
Alabama (Battleship : BB-8) 1