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Showing Collections: 1 - 42 of 42

12 Days in May Betamax Tapes

Identifier: 2013-027

Collection contains the Beta Tapes during the student unrest May 1970 at the University of Alabama.

Dates: 1970-05

Alto Lee Whitehurst Class Notes

Identifier: MSS-1549

Notes for history classes at the University of Alabama during the 1940s, among them U.S. History, World History, and the History of the Old South.

Dates: 1944

American Association of University Women, Tuscaloosa Branch records

Identifier: MSS-0073

Includes the Tuscaloosa branch secretary’s notebooks, which contain the association's official correspondence, meeting minutes, by-laws, and other records that vary by year. Also includes the executive board files and scrapbooks

Dates: 1928-2002

Harry V. Barnard paper

Identifier: MSS-0114

Condensation of a 1954 term paper titled "LaGrange College: A Historical Sketch.

Dates: 1954

Margaret Chenault papers

Identifier: MSS-0296

Memorabilia of a University of Alabama student, 1930-1934, including a scrapbook, record book, newspapers, and student organization documents

Dates: 1930-1934

John E. Curry collection

Identifier: MSS-0386

Photocopies of letters from David H. Vinton, Assistant Quartermaster in New York, to Lieutenant Josiah Gorgas at Watervliet Arsenal, refusing to grant Gorgas’s request for supplies to be sent to Pensacola, and from University of Alabama cadet John H. Marshall in Tuscaloosa, discussing the possible role of the cadets in the defense of the state, the fainting of several cadets during a dress parade, and inquires about his family.

Dates: 1846-1864

D. M. N. Ross Paper

Identifier: MSS-1208

A paper titled "A brief history of the military department of the University of Alabama, 1860-1936,"written by D.M.N. Ross.

Dates: n.d.

Daphne Cunningham Diaries

Identifier: MSS-0385

Diaries whose short entries provide information on the daily activities of this coed from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, member of Kappa Delta sorority, and 1916 University of Alabama graduate.

Dates: 1913 - 1914

Deborah Nygren Paper

Identifier: MSS-1063
Abstract A paper written by Deborah A. Nygren for the University of Alabama's History 567 class in 1976 entitled "The Carpetbaggers of the 1867 Alabama Constitutional Convention: A Study of Personal and County Characteristics on Carpetbaggers in Alabama during the Reconstruction era." It examines the relationship between the popular conceptions of carpetbaggers and the role played by black voters in electing them to office, as they related to pre-war anti-secession sentiment and voting patterns, and...
Dates: 1976

Delta Chi Fraternity Collection

Identifier: MSS-4223
Scope and Contents This collection consists of five scrapbooks for the UA chapter of Delta Chi Fraternity, thirteen issues of the Delta Chi Quarterly, two issues of The Counselor, and a series of publications collected by Charles E. Carlin. The scrapbooks contain photographs, clippings, invitations, correspondence, and notes added by Carlin explaining the state of the scrapbooks. Carlin collected the series of publications in a binder titled "Publications of Historical Interest to the Alabama Chapter of Delta...
Dates: 1952 - 2017; Majority of material found within 1952 - 1977

Donn Sanford photographs

Identifier: 2010-021

Photographs of the first African American student admitted to the University of Alabama, Autherine Lucy, enrolling at The University of Alabama in February 1956.

Dates: 1956 February

Jim Edwards papers

Identifier: MSS-2936

Contains correspondence letters of Jim Edwards written to his family and friends, mostly containing information about his daily life. Also contains his grade reports during his time at Miami University, 1934-1938.

Dates: 1934-1947

Elise Ayers Sanguinetti Papers

Identifier: MSS-0098

This collection consists of the correspondence, manuscripts, and galley proofs, as well as reviews and notices of Elise Ayers Sanguinetti, the Alabama author of The Last of the Whitfields (1962), The New Girl (1964), The Dowager (1968), and McBee's Station (1972).

Dates: 1929 - 2003

Fleta McWhorter Dowling and Gwen McWhorter Papers

Identifier: MSS-1643

This collection consists of letters between Fleta McWhorter Dowling and her sister Gwen McWhorter, 1943-46, chiefly concerning the latter’s doctoral dissertation subject, some letters from others to Gwen McWhorter, and two Gwen McWhorter problem statements on the use of participation in the development of school health programs.

Dates: 1943 - 1949

William Baker Flowers and Jennie Shaw Flowers University of Alabama materials

 Collection — Box: 2339
Identifier: MSS-0523

Items relating to Walter Flowers and Jennie Shaw Flowers as students at the University of Alabama, including commencement programs, SGA and WSGA ribbons, Triangle ribbon, library card, and invitation to a dance

Dates: 1943-1946

Bessie Leach Hayden paper

Identifier: MSS-0651

Paper entitled "Then Came the Women: The University in the Nineties," written by Bessie Leach Hayden, Dean of Women, about the first sixty years of coeducation at the University of Alabama.

Dates: circa 1953

Edna Lee Holladay Diary

Identifier: MSS-4044

Diary (and transcription) kept by Edna Lee Holladay during her college days at the University of Alabama

Dates: 1936-1939

James William Oakley Jr. Photographs

 Collection — Box: 38034.001
Identifier: 2010-020

Photographs taken by James William Oakley Jr. during the week that Autherine Lucy, the first African American student at The University of Alabama, enrolled in February 1956.

Dates: 1956 February

Letter from a University of Alabama Senior to His Cousin

Identifier: MSS-4400
Scope and Contents

This document is a letter dated July 2, 1853, from Jasper J. Jones, a senior student at The University of Alabama, to his cousin. In the letter, he writes about his upcoming commencement and shares details about graduation events. He also includes a ticket, inviting her to attend a ball as part of the celebrations. The letter provides insight into student life, social customs, and collegiate traditions at The University of Alabama in the mid-nineteenth century.

Dates: 1853 July 2

Lucien Owen Letter

Identifier: MSS-1085

A letter dated 8 October 1857, from a student at the University of Alabama to his father, which dicusses student life.

Dates: 1857-10-08

M. Carolyn Smith Papers

Identifier: MSS-1292

The collection contains material created and gathered as research for "A North Alabama Country Boy's Journey into the World of Nuclear Technology." Written for Professor Gary Mills at the University of Alabama, the paper is about Lester Elkin Burkhart, who worked in the United States atomic energy program.

Dates: 1982

Margaret Moore Photographic Album of Atlanta University Student Life

Identifier: 2020-006

One photographic album compiled by Margaret Moore containing eighty-four black-and-white photographs depicting life at Atlanta University between 1917 and 1920.

Dates: 1917 - 1920

Mary C. Partlow and John C. Pritchitt paper

Identifier: MSS-1107

A 1981 paper titled "John William Abercrombie, Thirteenth President of the University of Alabama, 1902-1911" written for a University of Alabama class by Mary C. Partlow and John C. Pritchitt.

Dates: 1981

Carrie T. McLester diploma

Identifier: MSS-3789

Carrie T. McLester's diploma from the Alabama Female Institute

Dates: 1872 June 12

Melpothalian Society Records

Identifier: MSS-0977

This collection contains an account of the society's proceedings, a list of members, and a note for $5,000 to W. P. Douthit dated Oct. 15, 1844.

Dates: 1836 - 1844; Majority of material found within 1836 - 1837

Natalie Thornton Photograph Album

Identifier: 2012-001

One photographic album depicting scenes from The University of Alabama featuring coeds at the Kilgore House and the campus. Also scenes from Montgomery, Alabama, New York City, New Orleans, Florida, and Texas.

Dates: 1905-1911

Oleta Lewis Hardesty Photographs

Identifier: 2010-017

Collection consists of fourteen photographs of University of Alabama coeds engaged in a variety of activities around campus, probably taken by Hardesty, a 1933 graduate of Alabama.

Dates: 1931 - 1933

Marvin T. Ormond papers

Identifier: MSS-3630

UA Glee Club newspaper clippings and a photo

Dates: Between 1900 and 1925

Thomas Waverly Palmer records

Identifier: MSS-1097

Surveys used to gather data for "Register of the Officers and Students of the University of Alabama, 1831-1901".

Dates: 1890

S. A. McPherson Papers

Identifier: MSS-0968

Notes by McPherson while a theological student at Payne University, a college for African Americans founded in 1889 by the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Selma, Alabama, and copies of three commencement addresses at Attalla, Etowah County, and Thomas, Jefferson County, Alabama Public Schools.

Dates: 1920 - 1929

Nancy Stallworth Shortridge Memorabilia

Identifier: MSS-4161

Photographs, invitations, dance cards, etc. from a University of Alabama student during the World War II years.

Dates: 1931-1992

Mollie Sink Alabama Female Institute diploma

Identifier: MSS-2400

Alabama Female Institute diploma of Mollie Sink

Dates: 1861 June 26

Gene Smith Scrapbook

Identifier: MSS-4116

Scrapbook documenting a young woman's enjoyment of her life and times as she moves from high school to college.

Dates: 1937-1941

Henrietta Thompson papers

Identifier: MSS-1403

This collection contains the papers and correspondence of an University of Alabama Home Economics professor.

Dates: 1910-1966

Stanley Thrasher paper

Identifier: MSS-1406

A paper written by Stanley Thrasher for a University of Alabama class in American Folklore. The paper relates the history of the Thrasher Brothers gospel music group, of which the author was a member.

Dates: 1979

University of Alabama Alumni Society Membership Dues Letter

Identifier: MSS-3998

Form letter requesting payment of alumni membership dues to help fund scholarships.

Dates: 1903 April 1

University of Alabama Kappa Alpha Pledge Register and Alumni Directory

Identifier: MSS-4140

Pledge register for the University of Alabama's Alpha Beta Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Order, February 1935 - August 1948

Dates: 1935-1964

University of Alabama Libraries Special Collections Portraits

Identifier: 2021-002
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of four studio portraits of a soldier.

Dates: 1950 - 1959

University of Alabama Libraries Special Collections UA Students Photographs

Identifier: 2021-001
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of one photograph of the University of Alabama Women's Chorus.

Dates: 1929

William A. Stickney diary

Identifier: W-0057

Diary of Episcopal minister William A. Stickney contains entries dated from 1841-1847. The diary documents Stickney's life as a college student at LaGrange College in Franklin County, Alabama, the University of Alabama, and the General Theological Seminary in New York City. Entries provide information about Stickney's daily life, as well as descriptions of religious services he attended and led, and a description of his personal devotions.

Dates: 1841-1847

William Albert Jones Quarterly Report Card

Identifier: MSS-0787

Photostatic copy of an 1862 report card of this University of Alabama student from Marion, Alabama.

Dates: 1862-12-26

William Columbus Ward Speech Text

Identifier: MSS-1525

The text of Ward's 1858 valedictory address, delivered at the University of Alabama.

Dates: 1858-07-15

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  • Subject: College students X

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University of Alabama 24
College students 23
Women college students 15
Students 8
Alabama 6
∨ more
College students -- United States 6
Correspondence 6
Education 6
Women 6
Photographs 5
Tuscaloosa (Ala.) 5
Associations, institutions, etc. 4
Fraternities & sororities 4
Scrapbooks 4
Civil rights 3
Daily Life and Family 3
Diaries 3
Education, Higher 3
University of Alabama -- History -- 19th century 3
African Americans -- Civil rights -- Alabama 2
African Americans--Education (Higher) 2
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 2
Diplomas 2
Essays 2
Invitations 2
Love and Friendship 2
Ohio 2
Papers (document genre) 2
Personal correspondence 2
Religion and Spirituality 2
Social life and customs 2
University of Alabama -- Alumni and alumnae. 2
Women -- Education -- United States 2
African American women 1
African Americans 1
Alabama -- Authors 1
Anniston (Ala.) 1
Artifacts 1
Atlanta (Ga.) 1
Authors 1
Black Warrior River (Ala.) 1
Civil War 1
Civil rights -- Alabama 1
College freshmen 1
Commencement ceremonies 1
Community and Place 1
Dance cards 1
Education -- Alabama 1
Family 1
Flags -- Confederate States of America 1
Florida 1
Franklin County (Ala.) 1
Gender Studies 1
Girls' schools 1
Glee clubs 1
Hale County (Ala.) 1
High school students 1
Huntsville (Ala.) 1
Manuscripts for publication 1
Marengo County (Ala.) 1
Memorabilia 1
Montgomery (Ala.) 1
Music -- Societies, etc. 1
New Orleans (La.) 1
New York (N.Y.) 1
Newspapers 1
Programs (documents) 1
Proofs (prints by function) 1
Protest movements 1
Religious awakening 1
Report cards 1
Reviews (document genre) 1
School records 1
Segregation in higher education -- Alabama 1
Selma (Ala.) 1
Slavery -- Alabama 1
Student movements 1
Texas 1
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Military life 1
Universities and colleges 1
University of Alabama -- Faculty/Staff 1
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 1
War and Military 1
Women -- Alabama 1
Women -- Societies and clubs 1
World War, 1939-1945 1
+ ∧ less
University of Alabama 13
Lucy, Autherine, 1930-2022 2
Alabama Female Institute (Tuscaloosa, Ala) 1
American Association of University Women. Tuscaloosa Branch (Ala.) 1
Barnard, Harry Vollie 1