Showing Collections: 1 - 50 of 60
Alabama Citizens for Constitutional Reform Papers
Papers of this group supporting constitutional reform
Alabama Democratic Party, 1860 Delegation minutes
Minutes and roll of Alabama's delegation, who were "accredited to the Baltimore and Richmond Democratic convention" in Richmond, Virginia, in 1860.
History of the Alabama Democratic Party Collection
Letters, poll lists, and ephemera relating to the Democratic Party of Alabama.
Alabama Democratic Party Executive Committee minutes
Minutes of the Alabama Democratic Party Executive Committee meetings from 1892-1894.
Alabama Democratic State Executive Committee records
Record book containing letters, records of members' disputes, meeting minutes, and other materials
Alabama Election Ephemera
Several articles and flyers about Alabama elections from the early 20th century.
Alabama ephemera collection
Items relating to Alabama places, politics and segregation.
Alabama Legislature petition
An 1849 petition by several Alabama legislators to Governor Reuben Chapman urging him to veto the act chartering the Central Plank Road, and a typed transcript listing the names of signers and counties that they represented.
Alabama Political Figures Collection
Letters and documents signed by various Alabama political figures, including William Brockman Bankhead, Ruben Chapman, Clement Comer Clay, and Henry Watkins Collier.
Andrew Coleman Hargrove papers
Personal and business correspondence, class notes, and financial records of attorney and politician, Andrew Coleman Hargrove of Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Harry Mell Ayers papers
Arthur Bagby papers
Contains materials, mostly photocopies, created by or relating to Arthur Bagby, the tenth governor of Alabama.
Baltzell and Bullock families papers
The papers of two Greene County, Alabama families involved in post-Civil War Alabama politics, including correspondence, a diary, essays, deeds, and financial documents.
James Berney letter
Letter dated 31 January 1846, from Montgomery, Alabama, to A. Jackson at Mayhew [Mississippi?] on news of Montgomery being voted the state capital and the subsequent celebration.
Gladys King Burns papers
Letters and other documents created and gathered while researching her thesis, "The Alabama Dixiecrat Revolt of 1948," at Auburn University.
John H. Caldwell papers
Business correspondence, legal papers, and reports of land agent for state of Alabama. Does not cover his entire term, 1879-1902.
Centreville, Alabama, City Council minutes
City Council minutes for 1890-1891 of this Bibb County, Alabama, city.
C. J. Coley papers
Letters and two versions of a paper titled "Tallapoosa and Elmore Counties Litigants," read before the Alabama Historical Association, 26 April 1963, concerning a dispute over division of tax revenues generated by hydroelectric power from damming the Tallapoosa River.
Collective Protection documents
Documents on Collective Protection probably produced by authorities in Birmingham, Alabama, and Montgomery, Alabama, shortly after the United States entered World War II. They cover all areas of collective protection such as home protection, lighting restrictions, espionage and sabotage, war gases and shelters.
John Cuthbert letter
Letter, written by John A. Cuthbert from San Souci, Mobile Bay, Alabama, on 29 June 1848 to Governor Reuben Chapman of Alabama, urging the appointment of William R. King to fill a vacant seat in the United States Senate.
David Crawford letter
Letter dated 30 November 1829, from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to his wife, Caroline, in Mobile, telling her of his election as Solicitor of the First Judicial Circuit.
N. H. R. Dawson papers
Newspaper clippings, personal and business correspondence, and an account book.
James F. Doster papers
Materials this Tuscaloosa native and history professor at The University of Alabama created and collected.
Hallie Farmer papers
Newspaper clippings and other published material by and about Dr. Farmer, including bibliographies, offprints of articles, book reviews, and other materials.
Will Franke paper
A paper titled "Jefferson County 1850," written by this Birmingham, Alabama, native at the request of the Birmingham Historical Society and includes a detailed listing of the county's merchants and political leaders circa 1850.
George Smith Houston Letters
Willis H. Gibson letter of appointment
Letter dated 28 June 1850 from the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, appointing Gibson as a U.S. Marshal for the Northern District of Alabama
Joseph B. Graham papers
Correspondence of this delegate to the Alabama Constitutional Convention of 1901 as well as printed reports from the Convention.
Gurley, Madison County, Alabama, Board of Aldermen meeting minutes
Minutes of the Board of Alderman, Gurley, Madison County, Alabama from 16 December 1913 through 8 October 1920
Ralph Hammond Papers
Ralph Hammond was the author of numerous books, press secretary to Alabama governor James ("Big Jim") Folsom, and poet laureate of Alabama from 1992 to 1995. This collection contains clippings, correspondence, legislative documents, recordings, photographs, negatives, poetry, memorabilia, and other items related to his activities, including a large number of materials about the Folsom administration and about antebellum mansions in Alabama.
W. A. Handley letter
Letter written to the U.S. House of Representatives at the beginning of his term as a member of the House.
Sampson W. Harris letters
Letters from Senator Sampson W. Harris of Alabama, dating from 1848 to 1857, written from Washington, DC, to the Congressional Globe and to the Secretary of the Navy, the Honorable J.C. Dobbin.
W. Stuart Harris papers
Papers and manuscript drafts of this Alabama author.
"Harwell G. Davis: Alabama Statesman and Baptist Leader": typescript
Typescript of Susan Hunt Ingram Ray's master's thesis on Harwell G. Davis.
Charles Hays papers
Notes that were written by Charles Hays and two copies of a letter that was titled "Temper of the South"
Henry Bascom Steagall Speeches
A collection of twenty-seven speech texts, plus a small group of miscellaneous papers and a memorial address to this Alabama congressman.
G. J. Hubbard letters
Official letters sent to Hubbard during his time as Senator for the state of Alabama
J. R. John Letters
Typescript copies of 1863 letters, written from Selma to Alabama Governor John Gill Shorter, concerning John's efforts to stop cadets from leaving the University to fight in the Civil War, and on preparations for the defense of Tuscaloosa.
James Abercrombie Letter
Letter of recommendation written on March 8, 1849 by James Abercrombie, then serving as Senator in the Alabama Senate, to the Honorable William B Preston, Secretary of the Navy under President Zachary Taylor.
James Bowron papers
A substantial collection of papers and materials relating to James Bowron, one of the nineteenth century iron and mining pioneers in the Deep South. It includes Bowron's 1632-page, unpublished autobiography, as well as his daily journals, letters, and pictures.
James Thomas Heflin Papers
Correspondence, speeches, press releases, biographical notes, campaign literature, photographs, scrapbooks and memorabilia of this member of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senator from Alabama.
John Tyler Morgan letter
An undated letter from Senator John Tyler Morgan to Alabama governor Joseph F. Johnston regarding the transfer of Major Barnard Goldsmith West from the Birmingham state troops to the staff of General Wheeler.
Cabot Lull papers
Correspondence, financial records, legal documents and to a lesser extent newspaper clippings, photographs and various miscellaneous material relating to personal, business, political, and official matters of this former blockade runner and Elmore County merchant and probate judge.
Joseph C. Manning letters
Letters showing Manning's efforts to stop the disenfranchisement of African American voters in Alabama in early twentieth century.
Marion, Alabama, Democratic Party Collection
One Tally Sheet and one Certificate of Results for the offices of Mayor, Councilmen, and members of the City Democratic Executive Committee
Midway, Alabama, city records
Handwritten copy of the town charter with all ordinances from 1882 to 1937, court records, and town council minutes for the town of Midway, Alabama.
E.D. Nixon article reprints
A collection of reproductions of articles concerning E.D. Dixon, the organizer of the Montgomery bus boycott.
Roy L. Nolen correspondence
Correspondence between Montgomery, Alabama, postmaster and Democratic Party activist Roy L. Nolen and U.S. Senator Lister Hill as well as a few other persons. The letters address appointments, elections, political campaigns, the war effort, and etc, 1928-1944.
Ordinance to Dissolve the Union between the State of Alabama and other states united under the compact styled "The Constitution of the United States of America" Broadside
Alabama's ordinance of secession, 1861
Israel Pickens correspondence
Correspondence from Pickens containing information about selecting of the University of Alabama seal after the University's incorporation.