Showing Collections: 101 - 120 of 120
R. W. Withers Letter
May 1858 letter from a student at Green Springs School, Havana, Alabama, describing school life.
William F. Reekstin Photograph Albums
Nine photograph albums of William F. Reekstin, a student at the University of Alabama in the early 1930s documenting a variety of campus venues and activities.
S. A. McPherson Papers
Notes by McPherson while a theological student at Payne University, a college for African Americans founded in 1889 by the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Selma, Alabama, and copies of three commencement addresses at Attalla, Etowah County, and Thomas, Jefferson County, Alabama Public Schools.
Nancy Stallworth Shortridge Memorabilia
Photographs, invitations, dance cards, etc. from a University of Alabama student during the World War II years.
Sidney Lanier High School Oracle Newspaper
A copy of vol. 1, no 5 (December 17, 1925) of the Oracle News, a newspaper published by the students of Sidney Lanier High School, Montgomery, Alabama.
Mollie Sink Alabama Female Institute diploma
Alabama Female Institute diploma of Mollie Sink
Gene Smith Scrapbook
Scrapbook documenting a young woman's enjoyment of her life and times as she moves from high school to college.
Henrietta Thompson papers
This collection contains the papers and correspondence of an University of Alabama Home Economics professor.
Stanley Thrasher paper
A paper written by Stanley Thrasher for a University of Alabama class in American Folklore. The paper relates the history of the Thrasher Brothers gospel music group, of which the author was a member.
University of Alabama Alumni Society Membership Dues Letter
Form letter requesting payment of alumni membership dues to help fund scholarships.
University of Alabama Corps of Cadets collection
A miscellany of material relating to the University of Alabama Corps of cadets, 1873-1905, including invitations to the 1873 junior exhibition and Corps of Cadets hops (dances) in 1874, 1876, and 1878, and the program for a 1905 reunion of the Corps of Cadets Company E, winner of a 1885 drill competition at the New Orleans Exposition.
University of Alabama Kappa Alpha Pledge Register and Alumni Directory
Pledge register for the University of Alabama's Alpha Beta Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Order, February 1935 - August 1948
University of Alabama Libraries Special Collections Portraits
This collection consists of four studio portraits of a soldier.
University of Alabama Libraries Special Collections UA Students Photographs
This collection consists of one photograph of the University of Alabama Women's Chorus.
Virginia J. Hanson papers
Contains a memory book documenting the senior year of Virginia J. Hanson, a 1912 graduate of Birmingham High School. Also contains research notes, correspondence and manuscripts related to Hanson's thesis, "Alabama in Legend and Lore."
Peyton Norvell Wiggins papers
Letters between Peyton Norvell Wiggins and his father and stepmother, Charles Ruben Wiggins Sr. and Elizabeth Toombs Wiggins.
William A. Stickney diary
Diary of Episcopal minister William A. Stickney contains entries dated from 1841-1847. The diary documents Stickney's life as a college student at LaGrange College in Franklin County, Alabama, the University of Alabama, and the General Theological Seminary in New York City. Entries provide information about Stickney's daily life, as well as descriptions of religious services he attended and led, and a description of his personal devotions.
William Albert Jones Quarterly Report Card
Photostatic copy of an 1862 report card of this University of Alabama student from Marion, Alabama.
William Columbus Ward Speech Text
The text of Ward's 1858 valedictory address, delivered at the University of Alabama.
Woods Hall Student Photographs
Black and white photographs of students housed in Woods Hall in early 1900s.