Showing Collections: 1 - 50 of 182
A. B. McDaniel Journals and Scrapbook
A journal of trips to Europe and western U.S., newspaper clippings about U.S. Army aviators and a flight around South America 1926, photographs, postcards, ticket stubs, and family letters
Alabama Alumni Association, Cornerstone Committee
This collection includes a committee report; a list of donors to the Crimson Pride membership drive, 1986-1987; histories of the national alumni association and local chapters; information on the rededication of Denny Chimes in 1987; newspaper clippings about coaches Ray Perkins and Paul "Bear" Bryant; and other information on the history and alumni of the University of Alabama.
Alabama Central Female College papers
Photographs, tintypes, and miscellaneous school papers, as well as . This collection also includes two Edison phonograph cylinders: a Gold Moulde Records (which is broken) and a Blue Amberol Record.
Alabama Nurses Association records
This collection includes meeting minutes, 1913-1940, copies of the organization's newsletter, 1958-1972, miscellaneous newspaper and magazine articles, photographs, and correspondence, a few rosters, and papers relating to admitting African Americans to the association, 1949-1950.
Alice and Algernon Sydney Garnett Papers
Letters written by Alice Garnett and her husband Algernon Sydney Garnett, a professor at the University of Alabama, discussing, among other things, the hardships of travel, news of the university, its professors, and their wives, the election of a new superintendent of education, and a rebellion by the University Cadets against the commandant.
Alpha Epsilon Delta records
The Alpha Epsilon Delta collection consists of the rules, rituals, petitions, reports, and memorabilia of the University of Alabama's charter chapter of this medical honors society.
American Association of University Women, Tuscaloosa Branch records
Includes the Tuscaloosa branch secretary’s notebooks, which contain the association's official correspondence, meeting minutes, by-laws, and other records that vary by year. Also includes the executive board files and scrapbooks
Douglas Arant Alabama Academy of Honor materials
Materials relating to Arant's 1978 induction into the Alabama Academy of Honor, including a scrapbook with pictures from the induction, biographical information on members, and past programs from induction ceremonies.
Edmund Armes papers
Typed correspondence and telegrams from Armes in his capacity as Birmingham, Alabama chairman of the Sewanee (University of the South) endowment campaign to area Episcopalians, seeking donations for the institution. The collection also contains newspaper clippings pertaining to the campaign, and information on fundraising events.
Ethel Marie Armes papers
Personal letters written by Ethel Armes, a Birmingham journalist and author, primarily to Alice Wiggin of Franklin, Massachusetts.
Askew family papers
Biographical sketch, ledger, diaries, church histories, newspaper clippings, copies of poetry and pieces written about Confederate history in Alabama, address and appointment books from this Dayton, Alabama, family.
Audubon Place (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) Historic District collection
A collection of information compiled in 1981 in the process of applying for historic designation for this Tuscaloosa, Alabama district. It includes historical data, newspaper clippings about houses, lists of previous owners, special features of houses, floor plans, and an historical inventory of various homes.
Augusta Evans Wilson papers
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, and a bound manuscript of the 19th-century author Augusta Evans Wilson of Mobile, Alabama.
Arthur Bagby papers
Contains materials, mostly photocopies, created by or relating to Arthur Bagby, the tenth governor of Alabama.
Baltzell and Bullock families papers
The papers of two Greene County, Alabama families involved in post-Civil War Alabama politics, including correspondence, a diary, essays, deeds, and financial documents.
Barker Family papers
Letters, photographs, newspaper clippings, genealogical records and other materials relating to Henry A. Barker (1879-1962), a Methodist Minister in Boaz, Alabama, and his family.
James M. Barry notebooks
Notebooks containing addresses and miscellaneous of papers and notes.
James S. P. Beck collection
A miscellany of materials relating to Dr. James S. P. Beck, University of Alabama graduate (1924), including two co-authored articles about radiation burns among survivors of the Nagasaki atomic bomb blast and three photos of burn victims.
Jasper Luther Beeson collection
A miscellany of materials including the text of Beeson's address to the fifty-seventh anniversary meeting of the Philomatic Society and at The University of Alabama commencement in 1889, photographs of him, newspaper clipping, a copy of a physics exam for seniors, and other items.
Bell I. Wiley Civil War articles collection
A variety of reprinted and clipped articles from various journals, magazines, and newspapers, as well as bibliographical and general notes, discussing the Civil War from many angles, including medical, literary, restitution, and even specific battles and generals.
Robert K. Bell papers
Unpublished manuscript of the 167th U.S. Infantry, Fourth Alabama Infantry Regiment ("The Fighting Fourth") titled "The Warrior Guards from the Reconstruction to the Great War" along with some newspaper clippings, transcripts, etc. on the "Warrior Guards."
Benjamin T. Barret Papers
A collection containing family correspondence, bills, receipts, clippings, and other items.
James C. Bennett papers
A miscellaneous collection of Civil War material of this Union soldier from Indiana, including enlistment lists, muster roles, war songs, writings, drawings, a diary, genealogical information, and clippings. All materials are photocopies of originals.
Bessemer Civic Music Club records
Collection of items relating to this club from Bessemer, Jefferson County, Alabama, including programs, press releases, clippings, etc.
Beta Gamma Sigma records
This collection contains an account book, receipts, and clippings pertaining to this national scholastic fraternity for commerce and business.
Walter P. Billings newspaper clippings
Several newspaper clippings relating to the trial of several white men for the murder of Walter P. Billings, an African-America resident of Sumter County, Alabama, on 1 August 1874, and also a lengthy jury charge by U.S. Circuit Court Judge Ballard decrying violence used by the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist organizations against African-Americans.
Johnnie Nicholene Bishop papers
Correspondence, greeting cardds, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous papers
Charlie J. Black papers
Photocopy of Black’s autobiography, “After The Fact: 20/20 Hindsight,” which covers Black’s youth in Beatrice, Monroe County, Alabama, his upbringing, education, teaching career, and political life in Washington. Also, some correspondence and newspaper articles by Black.
Winton M. Blount papers
This collection contains the papers of this Montgomery, Alabama, business leader, during his term as United States Postmaster General (1969-1971).
Buford Boone papers
Correspondence, scrapbooks, litigation papers, speeches, editorials, etc., of this Pulitzer Prize winner and long-time Tuscaloosa News editor.
William Woodward Brandon papers
Documents concerning Alabama governor William Woodward Brandon, including letters, news clippings, postcards, and transcripts of speeches.
Judy Bridgers Papers--CLOSED FOR PROJECT
Papers, photographs, etc., related to her involvement in AIDS outreach in Birmingham
Bryce Hospital Collection
Various materials on the establishment and history of the Alabama Insane Hospital in Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, later known as Bryce Hospital.
Peter Bryce collection
A small miscellany of materials including Bryce's appointment as medical officer of ship "Yorkshire," clippings about Bryce, among them his obituary, and copy of his "Moral and Criminal Responsibility," 1888
Maude Buntin collection
Miscellaneous papers related to Aliceville, Pickens County, Alabama, including the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church Centennial program, 1937, the 50th anniversary booklet of the Tuesday Study Club, 1964, a Bible Study schedule for 1913, and clippings and photos related to Pickens County landmarks.
Business and Professional Women's Club records
Scrapbooks and papers of this Tuscaloosa, Alabama, chapter of the Business and Professional Women's Club. Papers include treasurer's reports, public relations reports, and other club information. Scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings, articles, photographs, programs, club yearbooks, and invitations.
Carleton K. Butler papers
photocopies of University of Alabama band programs, Alumni Bulletin for the University from 1979, and the Birmingham News (Alabama) from 1979
Helen N. Butler scrapbook
A scrapbook by Helen N., "Nellie," Butler of Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama, consisting of clippings of newspaper articles, obituaries, poetry, marriage announcements, invitations, visiting cards, letters, prints and engravings.
Camille Maxwell Elebash Papers
Documents, interviews, and source material used by Camille Elebash,in co-producing with Joe Terry, the documentary George Wallace: A Politician’s Legacy.
Canterbury Chapel Christ Episcopal Church scrapbooks
Scrapbooks and newspaper articles highlighting church members who worked for the University and college students who attended Canterbury Chapel.
Eddie Carideo scrapbook
Souvenirs and mementoes of University of Alabama football, with some boxing and baseball memorabilia, 1932-1948, including photos of players, many of them signed, and newspaper clippings, as well as some 1935 Rose Bowl materials and photos.
Oliver Cromwell Carmichael collection
A miscellany of material relating to this University of Alabama president, including a newspaper clipping, a Carmichael writing entitled "The Function of Instinct in Education," and a scrapbook.
Chamber of Commerce of West Alabama records
Information from festivals, annual reports, banners, newspaper copies, minute books, photographs, and scrapbooks for West Alabama
Charles Waldron Buckley Letters
Letters written by Charles Waldron Buckley, United States Congressman for the Montgomery, Alabama area, to the editors of the Congressional Globe requesting copies be sent to various people and Alabama newspapers and to be charged to his account.
Margaret Chenault papers
Memorabilia of a University of Alabama student, 1930-1934, including a scrapbook, record book, newspapers, and student organization documents
Daniel Pinkney Christenberry commonplace book
A list of citations, evidently documenting Christenberry's reading, on various topics, mostly historical and literary
Whitefoord R. Cole papers
This collection contains correspondence, clippings, and photographs relating to a president of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad.
Elizabeth Tyler Coleman papers
A miscellany of materials including genealogy, correspondence, the diary of Priscilla Cooper Tyler, daughter-in-law of President John Tyler, a journal, and Coleman's manuscript of "Priscilla Cooper Tyler and the American Scene: 1816-1889." Includes three letters from President Tyler to his son Robert.
Wade Hampton Coleman, Jr., papers
Various documents, including speeches, correspondence, reports, faculty newsletters, alumni magazines, newspapers and newspaper clippings of this Alabama native and University of Alabama professor of Romance Languages
County Council of Home Demonstration Clubs scrapbook
Scrapbook documenting the history of the Tuscaloosa (Alabama) Home Demonstration Club and includes photos, newspaper clippings, and club documents.