Showing Collections: 301 - 350 of 1172
Confederate States Army, Second Alabama Light Artillery Battalion, Lumsden's Battery, Muster Roll
Muster roll of Lumsden's Battery near the time of its formation in November 1861.
Confederate States Army, Third Alabama Infantry Regiment, Company C (Swanson's Company) muster roll
The muster roll of Captain William G. Swanson's Company, Company D, of the Third Alabama Infantry Regiment, 4 May 1861.
Dr. Edward Augustus Cook collection
Collection contains materials relating mainly to Dr. Edward Augustus Cook’s medical practice in Kirk’s Grove, Cherokee County, Alabama including account ledgers, daybooks, register of births and deaths, correspondence, and a photograph.
Cooper Family Letters
Patricia V. Cosby collection
Aa scrapbook and other material about University of Alabama alumni
Mary Elizabeth Counselman collection
A collection of manuscripts and publications from Alabama sci-fi/horror writer Mary Elizabeth Counselman
John M. Counts Letters from Dr. George Denny
Seven letters from Dr. George Denny attempting to coax Counts back to the University of Alabama
County Council of Home Demonstration Clubs scrapbook
Scrapbook documenting the history of the Tuscaloosa (Alabama) Home Demonstration Club and includes photos, newspaper clippings, and club documents.
Cowin family papers
Walter R. Crane notebooks
Two bound notebooks of handwritten lecture notes made by Walter R. Crane
Creek Indian Land Sales Collection
Documents pertaining to the sale of lands belonging to Ko Yoo Quae, Alpetter Hadjo, Co Choc O Nee, Coch Che Yo Ho Lo, and Pelis-hart-ke - all Creek Indians living in Alabama between 1833 and 1841.
Creek Land Transfer in the Aftermath of the 1832 Treaty
Ethel Creighton poem and watercolor
A poem and a watercolor by Ethel Creighton featuring the Old Spanish Tower in Mobile, Alabama.
T. H. Crenshaw, Jr., papers
Photocopies of the papers of the Crenshaw family, including personal and business correspondence, bills, receipts, etc.
Walter Henry Crenshaw commonplace book
A copy of the Lawyers Common-Place Book, profusely annotated by Crenshaw with notes on Alabama statute and case law through 1886, and miscellaneous additional items.
Creole Social Club records
Insurance policies on the club house, an account book from a Mobile, Alabama, apothecary with the club, and tickets for social events sponsored by this African-American social club.
Crimson Theatre radio plays collection
Scripts for several radio plays performed by the Crimson Theatre on the WABP radio station on the University of Alabama campus.
Edward Calvin Crow correspondence
Correspondence between E. C. Crow and Dr. John M. Gallalee of the University of Alabama regarding a newspaper article on Gen. Josiah Gorgas, as well as a newspaper article on the oldest judge in Birmingham, Alabama.
Cruikshank family papers
Correspondence of an Alabama family, centered in Talladega and Birmingham
L. H. Crumpler records
A collection of records of Crumpler's general store in Sylacauga, Alabama, and of his activities as justice of the peace.
Cubahatchie Baptist Church of Christ records
Collection of meeting minutes and membership lists, 1887-1933, for this Cross Keys, Macon County, Alabama, church.
John M. Cullen court docket
A court room docket recording cases of this Triana, Alabama, justice of the peace.
Carey B. Oakley Cultural Resource Reconnaissance reports
Twenty-three reports assessing the cultural and archeological significance of various Alabama sites, 1976-1979.
Cunningham Family Papers
Correspondence, maps, newspapers, and photographs of this West Alabama family
John Cottingham Curry papers
Items from Curry's tenure at the University of Alabama, including season tickets for sporting events, invitations to social events and organizations, and a binder of correspondence relating to reunions of the University of Alabama class of 1916.
John E. Curry collection
Photocopies of letters from David H. Vinton, Assistant Quartermaster in New York, to Lieutenant Josiah Gorgas at Watervliet Arsenal, refusing to grant Gorgas’s request for supplies to be sent to Pensacola, and from University of Alabama cadet John H. Marshall in Tuscaloosa, discussing the possible role of the cadets in the defense of the state, the fainting of several cadets during a dress parade, and inquires about his family.
John Cuthbert letter
Letter, written by John A. Cuthbert from San Souci, Mobile Bay, Alabama, on 29 June 1848 to Governor Reuben Chapman of Alabama, urging the appointment of William R. King to fill a vacant seat in the United States Senate.
D. M. N. Ross Paper
A paper titled "A brief history of the military department of the University of Alabama, 1860-1936,"written by D.M.N. Ross.
Dadeville, Alabama, Chancery Court records
Ledger containing records of the Chancery Court at Dadeville, Alabama (the 17th District of the Middle Division of the State of Alabama), from February 1842 to May 1848.
Sam Dale envelope fragment
Fragment of an envelope sent to David Holmes, then governor of the Mississippi Territory (which included the state of Alabama), on 15 May 1817, by Sam Dale at Fort Claiborne, Alabama
Dall-Tardy Letters
Letters from members of the Dall and Tardy families of Baltimore, Maryland, and Mobile, Alabama, written between 1840 and 1908.
Dallas County, Alabama, Treasurer records
One ledger containing the treasurer’s records pertaining to taxes and other fines and fees paid in Dallas County, Alabama from 1868 to 1873.
Margaret Dalton papers
Miscellaneous papers, slide carousels, photocopies of primary sources (some in German), and copies of class notes from the School of Library and Information Studies
Eyre Damer papers
A scrapbook and accompanying materials relating to the book “With C.H. Ellis Through Central America and Panama: Quarantine Tour of Central America and Panama by Health Authorities as Guests of the United Fruit Company,” compiled and distributed by that firm.
Dan T. Carter Photographs
This collection consists of forty-five photographs depicting former Alabama Governor George Wallace, Jr. used by Dan T. Carter in his book "The Politics of Rage: George Wallace, The Origins of The New Conservatism and The Transformation of American Politics" 1995. Images of the various stages of Wallace's life, his family, and his wife, Lurleen. Many are official photographs released from the Governor's office.
Daniel R. Hundley Diary
Hundley's diary covers the years 1861-64. The entries discuss secession and preparations for war, wartime service, private thoughts, news from home, and other matters.
Daniel T. McCall, Jr. Photographs
This collection consists of four cabinet cards of University of Alabama students from the 1880s, three taken by W. E. Magee, a Tuscaloosa photographer, and one taken by Clary, a Birmingham photographer.
F.M. Dansby diary
This collection contains the diary of F.M. Dansby, an Episcopalian priest in Birmingham, Jeffereson County, Alabama. The diary only covers the Sundays of each month, where Dansby indicates where he preached and on what texts.
Daphne Cunningham Diaries
Diaries whose short entries provide information on the daily activities of this coed from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, member of Kappa Delta sorority, and 1916 University of Alabama graduate.
Alabama Hall of Fame collection on the nomination of Clarence William Daugette
Materials relating to the nomination of Clarence William Daugette (1873-1942) to the Alabama Hall of Fame. Daugette served for forty-three years as president of Jacksonville State Teachers' College.
Daughters of the American Colonists, Colonel George Reade Chapter (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) Scrapbooks
Eleven scrapbooks of this Tuscaloosa, Alabama,women's organization, covering the beginning years of organization (1956-1960) through 1998.
Daughters of the American Revolution. Chief Tuskaloosa Chapter (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) records
One photocopied and bound ledger, two ledgers and five loose leaf notebooks containing the minutes of the membership and board of the Chief Tuskaloosa Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution from 1901 to 1988.
Thomas Dauser papers
Letters, postcards, photos, newsclipping, and passport of this German shoemaker who emigrated to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, in the 1880s. All material is in German.
David B. McElroy Photographs
This collection consists of ten color photographs of the Ramsey Award Party, held at the University of Alabama University Club, 1986.
David Crawford letter
Letter dated 30 November 1829, from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to his wife, Caroline, in Mobile, telling her of his election as Solicitor of the First Judicial Circuit.
David Hubbard Letter
Letter dated 8 October 1841, from Alabama congressman David Hubbard to John M. Read, Philadelphia, concerning the late Bank of the United States and the power of Congress to grant a charter for it.
David "Tutt" Lott Yarbrough, Jr. Papers
A collection of photographs, scrapbooks, business cards, letters, union dues receipts, and contracts of this lifelong musician that sheds light on the music business during the "Big band" era.
Alex Van Hoose Davies family papers
Photocopies of the family history of an early northwest Alabama family, one of whom became mayor of Birmingham in the 1890s. There are also some personal recollections of the Union Army raid on Tuscaloosa led by John T. Croxton in April 1865, augmented with notes by grandson Alexander Van Hoose Davies, as well as copies of memorials of various Van Hoose men, and newspaper clippings.
Jefferson Davis Papers
This is a collection of mostly personal correspondence of Jefferson Davis and his family members, in both the United States and Europe. This collection also includes three folders of photographs and other visual materials.
Jefferson Carroll Davis Papers
World War II letters, scrapbook, and genealogical materials