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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 20

Alabama Alumni Association, Cornerstone Committee

Identifier: MSS-0018

This collection includes a committee report; a list of donors to the Crimson Pride membership drive, 1986-1987; histories of the national alumni association and local chapters; information on the rededication of Denny Chimes in 1987; newspaper clippings about coaches Ray Perkins and Paul "Bear" Bryant; and other information on the history and alumni of the University of Alabama.

Dates: 1888 - 1987

Alpha Epsilon Delta records

Identifier: MSS-0069

The Alpha Epsilon Delta collection consists of the rules, rituals, petitions, reports, and memorabilia of the University of Alabama's charter chapter of this medical honors society.

Dates: 1926-1951

Arthur Bagby papers

Identifier: MSS-0102

Contains materials, mostly photocopies, created by or relating to Arthur Bagby, the tenth governor of Alabama.

Dates: 1837

Camille Maxwell Elebash Papers

Identifier: MSS-0478

Documents, interviews, and source material used by Camille Elebash,in co-producing with Joe Terry, the documentary George Wallace: A Politician’s Legacy.

Dates: 1964-1988

Canterbury Chapel Christ Episcopal Church scrapbooks

Identifier: MSS-0272

Scrapbooks and newspaper articles highlighting church members who worked for the University and college students who attended Canterbury Chapel.

Dates: 1927-1937

Eddie Carideo scrapbook

Identifier: MSS-0275

Souvenirs and mementoes of University of Alabama football, with some boxing and baseball memorabilia, 1932-1948, including photos of players, many of them signed, and newspaper clippings, as well as some 1935 Rose Bowl materials and photos.

Dates: 1932-1948

Oliver Cromwell Carmichael collection

 Collection — Box: 2356
Identifier: MSS-0279

A miscellany of material relating to this University of Alabama president, including a newspaper clipping, a Carmichael writing entitled "The Function of Instinct in Education," and a scrapbook.

Dates: unknown

Margaret Chenault papers

Identifier: MSS-0296

Memorabilia of a University of Alabama student, 1930-1934, including a scrapbook, record book, newspapers, and student organization documents

Dates: 1930-1934

Wade Hampton Coleman, Jr., papers

Identifier: MSS-0339

Various documents, including speeches, correspondence, reports, faculty newsletters, alumni magazines, newspapers and newspaper clippings of this Alabama native and University of Alabama professor of Romance Languages

Dates: 1924-1968; Majority of material found within 1950 - 1960

Edward Calvin Crow correspondence

Identifier: MSS-0378

Correspondence between E. C. Crow and Dr. John M. Gallalee of the University of Alabama regarding a newspaper article on Gen. Josiah Gorgas, as well as a newspaper article on the oldest judge in Birmingham, Alabama.

Dates: 1952

William Graham Echols papers

Identifier: MSS-0471

Contains articles written about and by this Methodist minister and professor of religion at the University of Alabama

Dates: after 1892

Richard Clarke Foster scrapbooks and papers

Identifier: MSS-0537

Scrapbook and folder containing newspaper and magazine articles as well as tributes to Foster, who died four years after becoming president of the University of Alabama.

Dates: circa 1941

Guild of Professional Writers for Children records

Identifier: MSS-0601

Materials related to the organization's activities, including its statement of purpose, membership applications and rolls, correspondence, newspaper clippings, works of members, announcements, calendars, newsletters, minutes, and financial records.

Dates: 1977-1999; Majority of material found within 1992 - 1994

Wiley Hagler papers

Identifier: MSS-0607

Correspondence, school papers, clippings, and photographs.

Dates: 1901-1972

Henry De Lamar Clayton Sr. papers

Identifier: MSS-0313

The personal, legal, military, and administrative papers, of this Alabama politician, Confederate general, and University of Alabama president.

Dates: 1840-1925

Hill Ferguson papers

Identifier: MSS-0511

Correspondence, clippings, and reports about The University of Alabama collected by this alumnus and trustee of the institution.

Dates: 1892-1964

Jacob Frederic Goossen papers

Identifier: MSS-0579

Correspondence, writings, teaching materials, and musical compositions of this former faculty member of the University of Alabama.

Dates: 1940-1995

James Austin Anderson papers

Identifier: MSS-0078

A collection of copies of newspaper clippings and information about Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and its people.

Dates: 1898-1941

Josiah and Amelia Gorgas family papers

Identifier: MSS-0580

Correspondence, diaries, journals, speeches, scrapbooks, and other papers of Josiah Gorgas, chief of the Confederate Bureau of Ordnance and president of the University of Alabama, and his wife Amelia Gayle Gorgas, librarian at the University of Alabama and daughter of Alabama governor John Gayle.

Dates: 1820-1920

O. B. Emerson Papers

Identifier: MSS-0485

The collection chiefly consists of correspondence between O. B. Emerson and various individuals including authors, former students, and other faculty and staff from The University of Alabama. The collection also includes materials about different authors and subjects on which Dr. Emerson either taught or published, as well as a significant amount of materials related to professional organizations in which he was involved.

Dates: 1945 - 1990

Filtered By

  • Names: University of Alabama X
  • Subject: Newspapers X

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Additional filters:

Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 19
Correspondence 11
Alabama 10
Students 10
Education 7
∨ more
Photographs 7
Scrapbooks 7
Government, Law and Politics 6
University of Alabama -- Faculty/Staff 6
Reports 4
Teachers 4
Tuscaloosa (Ala.) 4
University of Alabama -- Presidents 4
Associations, institutions, etc. 3
Biography 3
Daily Life and Family 3
Governors -- Alabama 3
Lectures 3
Medicine 3
Southern Life and Culture 3
Speeches 3
University of Alabama -- Alumni and alumnae. 3
University of Alabama -- Buildings -- History 3
War and Military 3
Authors, American -- Alabama 2
Civil rights 2
Education -- Alabama 2
Financial records 2
Legal documents 2
Legislators -- Alabama 2
Literature and Authors 2
Manuscripts for publication 2
Memorabilia 2
Military records 2
Music and Performing Arts 2
Newspapers 2
Programs (documents) 2
Religion and Spirituality 2
Women 2
Alabama -- History -- 1819-1950 1
Alabama -- History -- 1951- 1
Alabama -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
Alabama -- Industries 1
Alabama -- Politics and government 1
Alabama Academy of Honor Inductees 1
Announcements 1
Architecture 1
Architecture and Landscape 1
Artifacts 1
Authors, American -- 20th Century -- Correspondence 1
Banks and banking 1
Bayonets 1
Birmingham (Ala.) 1
Cemeteries -- Alabama 1
Children's literature 1
Civil War 1
Civil rights -- Alabama 1
Community and Place 1
Community organization 1
Composition (Music) 1
Confederate States of America -- Politics and government 1
Confederate cemeteries 1
Cookbooks 1
Creek Indian War 1
Crimson White (student newspaper) 1
Desegregation -- Alabama 1
Diaries 1
Disease 1
Drawings (visual works) 1
Education, Higher 1
Genealogy 1
Insurance policies 1
Invitations 1
Jefferson County (Ala.) 1
Judges -- Alabama 1
Lawyers -- Alabama 1
Learned institutions and societies 1
Maps 1
Membership lists 1
Methodist Church 1
Methodist Church -- Clergy 1
Military cadets 1
Minutes 1
Muster rolls 1
Newsletters 1
Newspapers -- United States 1
Northport (Ala.) 1
Notebooks 1
Piano music 1
Picture postcards 1
Political campaigns 1
Political campaigns -- Alabama -- History -- 20th Century 1
Receipts (financial records) 1
Research notes 1
Rose Bowl (Football game) -- History. 1
School records 1
Segregation in higher education -- Alabama 1
Sheet music 1
Social life and customs 1
+ ∧ less
Gorgas, Josiah, 1818-1883 2
Alabama Crimson Tide (Football team) 1
Alpha Epsilon Delta Medical Honors Society 1
Anderson, James Austin 1
Bagby, Arthur P. (Arthur Pendleton) 1